I had the distinct honor and privileged of standing together with hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country today to voice our frustration over the massive expansion of government, it's reckless spending, taxes and "user fees" on everything, and general intrusion into our everyday lives and liberty. We chose to mark Tax Day with a national Tea Party!
I went to the DC Tea Party at Lafayette Square, which is a grassy park across from the White House. It was cold and rainy but that did not dampen the crowds' spirits. Unfortunately, because of the huge crowds, it was near impossible to see the stage or hear the speakers, so I walked around taking pictures of the scene.
Here is my visual diary of the DC Tea Party!The first pics from the DC Tea Party as you're walking up the street to Lafayette Square. TONS of cars were honking for the sign that asked if you're over-taxed. (You can read signs better by clicking on the pictures)

Part of the crowd as I was walking toward it in Lafayette:

View of the Tea Party crowd with the White House as a back drop:

Look out! Right-wing extremists!

You can almost see the stage through all of the people:

Now there's a tax we can all get behind:

Kids say, "Don't steal our future!"

A smaller group of protesters in front of the White House:

A modern day patriot:

The grassroots protest were anyone could take the megaphone was in front of the White House, while the protest with national speakers was yards away in Lafayette Square across from the White House:

I enjoyed this sign:

Some basic economics for Obama to know about small businesses:

This is what TEA really stands for:

A sea of umbrellas around the stage:

Part of the crowd as I was leaving Lafayette Square: