Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Top 5 Must Reads of the Day 6/30/10

  1. Why Obamanomics Has Failed WSJ

  2. The president, his friends and advisers talk endlessly about the circumstances they inherited as a way of avoiding responsibility for the 18 months for which they are responsible. But they want new stimulus measures—which is convincing evidence that they too recognize that the earlier measures failed.
    EXACTLY! Instead of blaming Bush, get up and do something about it! Kind of like Gov. McDonnell did!

  3. In her own hand: Kagan’s manipulation on partial-birth abortion Hot Air
  4. By Ed Morrissey

    Note the deletion of the word “not” in the original statement, which originally read (emphasis mine), “This procedure, however, may not be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and the doctor should be allowed to make this determination.”
    This has to be seen to be believed - Kagan's handwritten notes cross out the word "not" so as to completely change the sentence!

  5. Obama Mocked Commissions, Then Established Four CBS

  6. Here's Mr. Obama on September 18, 2008, not long after the economic collapse: "Senator McCain's first answer to this economic crisis was - get ready for it - a commission. That's Washington-speak for 'we'll get back to you later.'"
    "Folks, we don't need a commission to spend a few years and a lot of taxpayer money to tell us what's going on in our economy," he continued. "We don't need a commission to tell us gas prices are high or that you can't pay your bills. We don't need a commission to tell us you're losing your jobs. We don't need a commission to study this crisis, we need a President who will solve it - and that's the kind of President I intend to be." there was a meeting of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - they'll get back to us later.

  7. Blagojevich Should Have Told Obama to Stuff It. Publicly. NBC Chicago

  8. Under the Constitution, the president doesn’t have a right to stack the Senate with his own picks. Filling vacancies is up to the states. This ensures that Congress will be an independent body, unlike the Chicago City Council, where Mayor Daley gets to appoint replacements for jailed aldermen.
    Isn't this the third time Obama has gotten involved in attempting to determine who gets a Senate seat? Sestak? Romannoff? Anyone?

  9. W.H. quiet on Obama-Blago link Politico

  10. Reconciling the accounts of Balanoff and Craig could come down to the question of what the White House’s definition of “communication” is.
    Is that kind of like defining what the meaning of the word "is" is?

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