I'm not really familiar with the blog "Masters of Education" but they created a list of "100 Excellent Conservative Blogs You Should Be Reading" and I'm honored to be on it along with other awesome blogs like Townhall, Drudge Report, Hot Air, Redstate, and Right Wing News!
Here I am at #55, in the Female Bloggers section:
55. Alexa Shrugged:
This socially conservative female blogger likes to write about news
stories that may make you think, and that you will probably never see on
the mainstream news.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Front-Alley Abortions
Pro-choicers like to reminisce about the days of dangerous "back-alley" abortions but have things really changed since then? They weren't called "back-alley" because they were done in a back alley, it was because illegal abortions were done in regular doctors offices but the women had to sneak in through the back door. All Roe v. Wade did was legalize these "back-alley" offices and allow them to continue the same abortions but bring in people through the front door. Legalization didn't make abortion any safer (except maybe for the livelihood of the abortionist), it was medical advances like penicillin that saved women's lives.
Front-alley abortion centers exist today, where heartless abortionists butcher women in dangerous and unsanitary conditions. There is little to no regulation of abortion mills because holding them to standards that even tattoo parlors and veterinarian offices have to abide by would violate a "woman's right to choose!" Instead of being so worried that having medical standards in place would shut down abortion centers and reduce "access" to abortion, maybe proaborts should be more concerned that their precious abortion centers are so unsanitary, and unsafe that they would have to close in the first place!
The mantra of "safe, legal, but rare" is a sham - they don't care about safety or reducing abortions, they only care that they're legal, no matter the cost to the women, families and children.
Some front-alley abortion mills in the news:
Judge Allows Louisiana Abortion Facility Not Meeting Safety Standards to Reopen
Abortion Practitioner With Problems Replaces One Who Killed Woman in Maryland
Suspended Abortion Practitioner Nicola Riley Putting Women at Medical Risk Utah
See also:
Front-alley abortion centers exist today, where heartless abortionists butcher women in dangerous and unsanitary conditions. There is little to no regulation of abortion mills because holding them to standards that even tattoo parlors and veterinarian offices have to abide by would violate a "woman's right to choose!" Instead of being so worried that having medical standards in place would shut down abortion centers and reduce "access" to abortion, maybe proaborts should be more concerned that their precious abortion centers are so unsanitary, and unsafe that they would have to close in the first place!
The mantra of "safe, legal, but rare" is a sham - they don't care about safety or reducing abortions, they only care that they're legal, no matter the cost to the women, families and children.
Some front-alley abortion mills in the news:
Judge Allows Louisiana Abortion Facility Not Meeting Safety Standards to Reopen
The health department said it found the Hope Medical Group for Women abortion center failed to ensure a physician performed a physical exam of the mother prior to the abortion and failed to properly monitor vital signs of patients under anesthesia.
It also did not have proper procedures in place for administering anesthesia and failed to have properly trained medical professionals administering anesthesia and engaging in other medical procedures related to it.
Abortion Practitioner With Problems Replaces One Who Killed Woman in Maryland
Wartanian has a long and sordid history of malpractice suits and wrongful deaths reaching back decades, Newman notes, and he was involved in a 2001 Maryland scandal that led to reforms in the way the Board of Physicians disciplines doctors. But through it all, Wartanian has escaped discipline.
Operation Rescue has issued a new report detailing Wartanian's legal woes and his history of incompetence that has led to the deaths of at least two babies not destined for abortions.
Suspended Abortion Practitioner Nicola Riley Putting Women at Medical Risk Utah
Earlier this month, the Maryland Board of Physicians suspended the medical license of abortion practitioner Nicola I. Riley. Riley was a staff abortion practitioner of embattled abortion business owner Steven Chase Brigham but following the suspension, Riley has returned to her Utah home to do abortions there.
Riley was involved in the botched abortion in Elkton, Maryland, that led to the discovery of Brigham's scheme to circumvent late-term abortion laws.
She is accused of aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine whereby Brigham and his staff begin abortions at his New Jersey centers, which don't meet state health and safety laws to make them eligible to do later-term abortions, then transporting the women to Maryland for completion of the abortion. Brigham has been found to have injured women in two other similar abortions.
See also:
Blood Money: More Abortonists Butcher Their Customers
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Kerry attacks Dem voters
"people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth" Um, you mean like "hope" or "change"?
Clueless voters are exactly how we got into this predicament! Informed, engaged voters are what's going to get us out of it in November!
Clueless voters are exactly how we got into this predicament! Informed, engaged voters are what's going to get us out of it in November!
Amplify’d from bostonherald.com
John Kerry: Democrats’ woes stem from uninformed voters
A testy U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry yesterday blamed clueless voters with short attention spans for the uphill battle beleaguered Democrats are facing against Republicans across the nation.
“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,” Kerry told reporters after touring the Boston Medical Center yesterday.Read more at bostonherald.com
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/b6lg
h/t Erick Brockway
Friday, September 24, 2010
Blood Money: More Abortonists Butcher Their Customers
It always sickens me to hear pro-choicers hail abortion "doctors" as heroes. In reality (if you get to see someone with a medical degree, not just an unqualified and unlicensed staff member) these front-alley abortionists are last-of-their-class quacks who ruthlessly butcher desperate women in dirty and unsafe conditions in order to turn a quick and easy buck. Complications? Too bad, gotta keep the assembly line in the abortion mill going - maybe if you're lucky they'll call 911 in a timely fashion, but then ask the ambulance to come without the lights flashing - bad for business dontchaknow. They don't care about women, they only care about themselves and the almighty dollar.
Anyway, here are a couple of these Dr. Deaths who are finally paying a small price for killing or seriously injuring their customers:
Practitioner Who Killed Woman in Botched Abortion Loses Medical License
Abortion Practitioner Agrees to License Suspension After Severely Injuring Teen
Practitioner Heads to Jail for Manslaughter, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion
Anyway, here are a couple of these Dr. Deaths who are finally paying a small price for killing or seriously injuring their customers:
Practitioner Who Killed Woman in Botched Abortion Loses Medical License
Ferrer is accused of failing to properly administer pain medications, failing to monitor the patient’s respiration and ventilation, and failing to employ standard methods of care to resuscitate the patient. He is accused of giving her a fatal overdose of meperidine, a narcotic also known as Demerol.
The case was stagnant for years until the Maryland Board of Physicians, in April, filed a petition against Ferrer for "failure to meet the standard of quality care" in his negligent treatment of Crowe that resulted in her death.
“I hope one day these same officials have to look this innocent young man in the eye and explain how they decided that veterinary clinics deserved more oversight and regulation than the facility that killed his mother,” Ames said.
Abortion Practitioner Agrees to License Suspension After Severely Injuring Teen
Brigham is not allowed to do late-term abortions in New Jersey, one of the four states in which he owns an abortion business, because he doesn't meet the state's medical requirements. As a result, he has started late-term abortions for women there and transported them via rental car to his Maryland abortion centers to complete the abortions.
One abortion using this method went so poorly, Brigham was forced to take the teenager to a local Maryland hospital -- and she eventually had to be airlifted to Johns Hopkins Medical center because the abortion caused a perforated uterus and it required immediate surgery.
Practitioner Heads to Jail for Manslaughter, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion
Laura, who was adopted at the age of four from Honduras by her parents, was 13 weeks into the pregnancy when she had the abortion. Osathanondh reportedly sedated her and did not have any other staff members on site who had appropriate medical training to monitor Smith's during the abortion.
Smith died shortly after the abortion, on September 13, 2007. Officials say Laura died from "cardiac pulmonary arrest during anesthesia during a voluntary termination of pregnancy" -- known as an abortion.
It said the abortion practitioner did not have any means of monitoring Smith's vital signs properly, did not have oxygen or a functioning blood pressure cuff, and said he "failed to adhere to basic cardiac life support protocol" and did not call 911 in a timely fashion. He was also accused of misleading his own staff by telling them he had given Smith oxygen during the abortion when he had not.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Truth About Democrat Candidates
Get all your information here:
Travis Childers Dina Titus Carol Shea-Porter Ann Kuster Harry Teague John Hall Michael Arcuri Larry Kissell Earl Pomeroy Steve Driehaus Mary Jo Kilroy Zack Space Kathy Dahlkemper Bryan Lentz Patrick Murphy Chris Carney Paul Kanjorski John Spratt Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Roy Herron Chet Edwards Ciro Rodriguez Glenn Nye Tom Perriello Denny Heck Mike Oliviero Julie Lassa Steve Kagen Steve Raby Ami Bera Joe Garcia Trent Van Haaften Stephene Ann Moore John Callahan Jon Hulburd Jon Hurlburd Stephen Pougnet Lori Edwards Ravi Sangisetty Pat Miles Tarryl Clark Tom White Matthew Zeller Paula Brooks Manan Trivedi Brett Carter Suzan Delbene Colleen Hanabusa Robert Dold Cedric Richmond Lisa Murkowski Barbara Boxer Michael Bennet Alexi Giannoulias Robin Carnahan Paul Hodes Lee Fisher Joe Sestak Harry Reid Scott McAdams Kendrick Meek Charlie Crist Jack Conway Patty Murray Russ Feingold Richard Blumenthal Joe Manchin Chris Coons Ron Wyden Kirsten Gillibrand Mike McMahon Scott Murphy Bill Owens Heath Schuler Charlie Wilson Betty Sutton Kurt Schrader Mark Critz Lincoln Davis Rick Boucher Gerry Connolly Rick Larsen Ann Kirkpatrick Harry Mitchell Jerry McNerney John Salazar Betsy Markey Allen Boyd Alan Grayson Alan Grayson Suzanne Kosmas Jim Marshall Debbie Halvorson Bill Foster Phil Hare Baron Hill Leonard Boswell Frank Kratovil Gary McDowell Mark Schauer Mike Ross Dennis Cardoza Christopher Murphy John Barrow Melissa Bean Bruce Braley Dave Loebsack John Yarmuth Chellie Pingree Tim Walz Russ Carnahan Rush Holt Carolyn McCarthy Dan Maffei Bob Etheridge Mike McIntyre David Wu Jason Altmire Tim Holden David Cicilline Jim Matheson Ron Kind Bobby Bright Gabrielle Giffords Jim Costa Loretta Sanchez Ed Perlmutter Jim Himes John Carney Ron Klein Sanford Bishop, Jr. Walter Minnick Joe Donnelly Ben Chandler Gary Peters Ike Skelton John Adler Martin Heinrich
Travis Childers Dina Titus Carol Shea-Porter Ann Kuster Harry Teague John Hall Michael Arcuri Larry Kissell Earl Pomeroy Steve Driehaus Mary Jo Kilroy Zack Space Kathy Dahlkemper Bryan Lentz Patrick Murphy Chris Carney Paul Kanjorski John Spratt Stephanie Herseth Sandlin Roy Herron Chet Edwards Ciro Rodriguez Glenn Nye Tom Perriello Denny Heck Mike Oliviero Julie Lassa Steve Kagen Steve Raby Ami Bera Joe Garcia Trent Van Haaften Stephene Ann Moore John Callahan Jon Hulburd Jon Hurlburd Stephen Pougnet Lori Edwards Ravi Sangisetty Pat Miles Tarryl Clark Tom White Matthew Zeller Paula Brooks Manan Trivedi Brett Carter Suzan Delbene Colleen Hanabusa Robert Dold Cedric Richmond Lisa Murkowski Barbara Boxer Michael Bennet Alexi Giannoulias Robin Carnahan Paul Hodes Lee Fisher Joe Sestak Harry Reid Scott McAdams Kendrick Meek Charlie Crist Jack Conway Patty Murray Russ Feingold Richard Blumenthal Joe Manchin Chris Coons Ron Wyden Kirsten Gillibrand Mike McMahon Scott Murphy Bill Owens Heath Schuler Charlie Wilson Betty Sutton Kurt Schrader Mark Critz Lincoln Davis Rick Boucher Gerry Connolly Rick Larsen Ann Kirkpatrick Harry Mitchell Jerry McNerney John Salazar Betsy Markey Allen Boyd Alan Grayson Alan Grayson Suzanne Kosmas Jim Marshall Debbie Halvorson Bill Foster Phil Hare Baron Hill Leonard Boswell Frank Kratovil Gary McDowell Mark Schauer Mike Ross Dennis Cardoza Christopher Murphy John Barrow Melissa Bean Bruce Braley Dave Loebsack John Yarmuth Chellie Pingree Tim Walz Russ Carnahan Rush Holt Carolyn McCarthy Dan Maffei Bob Etheridge Mike McIntyre David Wu Jason Altmire Tim Holden David Cicilline Jim Matheson Ron Kind Bobby Bright Gabrielle Giffords Jim Costa Loretta Sanchez Ed Perlmutter Jim Himes John Carney Ron Klein Sanford Bishop, Jr. Walter Minnick Joe Donnelly Ben Chandler Gary Peters Ike Skelton John Adler Martin Heinrich
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Lookin' Like a Fool with Your Gun on the Ground
This is a pretty funny story - criminals beware, your baggy pants can and will be used against you in a court of law!
Gun turned up after hands went up and pants fell down
Court upholds cop's decision to pull up a suspect's baggy jeans.
Gun turned up after hands went up and pants fell down
Court upholds cop's decision to pull up a suspect's baggy jeans.
White Castle, weed and baggy pants. It has all the elements of a comedy, but throw in a concealed handgun, a suspected drug deal and a wardrobe malfunction, and it's a Minnesota Court of Appeals case that even compelled a judge to quote an "American Idol" audition.
St. Paul police officer Kara Breci and her partner spotted a possible drug deal in a car at a White Castle parking lot in November 2008. They ordered the men out of their vehicle and told them to put their hands in the air. That's when suspect Frank Irving Wiggins' baggy pants, already dangerously low at the knees, fell to the pavement.
... "Wiggins argues that affirming the district court would encourage officers to trample the privacy of young people who participate in this baggy-pants fashion trend. The concern is unwarranted.
"We are confident that our opinion will not be misconstrued to suggest that an officer can freely meddle with a person's clothes to the refrain, 'Pants on the ground, pants on the ground'..."
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Project 2996: In Honor of Mildred Rose Naiman
My September 11th tribute as part of Project 2,996 is to Mildred Rose Naiman, 81, from Andover, MA, the town next to my hometown. According to WBZ Boston, over 200 people with ties to Massachusetts died on 9-11-01.

"Millie," as she was known to her loved ones, was on her way to California to visit her 2 sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren when she was killed. She was aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to be hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center.
In a profile published on January 6, 2002, her daughter-in-law, Carol Naiman, told the New York Times, "She had a little bit of a lead foot. She had been stopped for speeding and was totally insulted the officer would give an old woman a ticket."
Although the feisty great-grandmother had had several knee replacement surgeries, cataracts, and other health problems, she still loved to travel. Her son Russ said, "If something was wrong with her, she'd go to the doctor and say, 'Fix me up; I've got a lot of traveling to do.' "
While she needed the help of a wheelchair at the airport, she still managed to visit her family twice a year. The Sunday before her fatal flight, a family member had asked if she was afraid of flying; her granddaughter, Hope, remembers her reply: "No, I've gone everywhere already--to Germany, the Bahamas. I'm not afraid to fly."
Incredibly, on July 24, 2004, the New York Post reported that the medical examiner's office had identified her remains. Many 9-11 victims are still unaccounted for. I hope her family gained some sense of closure with this discovery and was able to finally put her body to rest.
Today, on the ninth anniversary of her death, we celebrate the life of Mildred Rose Naiman.
May she, and the other 2,995 ruthlessly murdered on that day, rest in peace.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
What if James Lee had been conservative?
Peter Roff has it exactly right:
Amplify’d from politics.usnews.com
If James Lee had been a member of a Tea Party group or an activist opposed to abortion rights the national media would be in the throes of ecstasy, describing his actions as the product of some sort of loosely organized effort that should have all Americans living in fear for their lives and their liberty. The Department of Homeland Security would probably announce the creation of some sort of task force to investigate his activities and root out his followers and allies. And President Barack Obama would no doubt address the issue in his weekly radio address. Read more at politics.usnews.com
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/9qh1
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