Thursday, February 20, 2014

OFA is Advertising for GOP on Obamacare

LOLOL Obama for America Organizing for Action is advertising for Republicans now by pointing out the GOP's many efforts (46 times and 80 governing hours!) to save the American people from Obamacare!

Here's the email I got today.

Subject line: They wasted more than 80 governing hours on this:

Friend --

Remember how the House voted 46 times to repeal or restrict Obamacare? And how they wasted more than 80 governing hours trying to prevent Americans from getting covered?

Now that millions have coverage thanks to health care reform, I want to know if this is still at the top of their agenda.

Are these members of Congress willing to look their constituents in the eye and say they want to take their health care away?

Add your name today -- join the OFA supporters who are going to be asking this simple question to Health Care Repealers:

Thanks -- stay tuned,


Beth Kelly
Deputy Health Care Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action
Are these members of Congress willing to look their constituents in the eye and say they want to get rid of Obamacare? Hell yes they are and they'd love to be asked such a softball question from OFA subscribers! Many Dems are wishing they could go on record opposing Obamacare, too!

Obamacare has been a disaster for many more millions than have signed up for it.

With all the changes and delays Obama has issued for Obamacare, maybe OFA should be asking him if he wants to take away people's health care.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pelosi: "We did not treat President Bush this way." Yeah, it was worse!

To quote Nancy Pelosi herself, "Are you serious? Are you serious??!!"

Great response by Revealing Politics to Pelosi (video below) showing that she's right, they did not treat Bush the same way as Obama is being treated - it was much worse! There was even a word for it - Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Hey, Nancy, do you remember when you called President Bush a "total failure?" Do you think the right could get away with saying of Obama "he has no ideas," like you said of Bush, without being accused of racism? 

How about your counterpart in the Senate, Harry Reid who said Bush is a "weak president." Can conservatives get away with saying of Obama, "We all know his swagger and his arrogance?" Nope, we don't! Because apparently arrogant is a racist code word. And I can only imagine what they'd say if we used the word "swagger."

Watch the video for more examples of liberals' extreme rhetoric towards Bush.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Top 5 States with the Harshest DUI Laws

12,000 people die every year in DUI-related accidents, while 1.4 million people are arrested for DUI.

Check out the infographic below to find out the Top 5 States with the Highest DUI Fatalities and the Top 5 States with the Lowest DUI Fatalities. Then read about the Top 5 States with the Harshest DUI Laws.

Via: Chicago DUI Lawyer