Explosive new audio was just rediscovered of former President Bill Clinton admitting – THE DAY BEFORE 9-11 – that he could have killed Osama bin Laden, but decided not to. And is it just me or does he sound boastful about it:
On the July 30th Paul Murray Live program on Sky News, guest Michael Kroger revealed an audio tape that he didn’t remember he had until the week prior to the program. Speaking at a luncheon in front of 30 business people, the former president was asked a question about international terrorism and answered:H/T Truth Revolt
I’m just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden — he’s a very smart guy, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about him — and I nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.
Riiiiiight … here’s Slick Willie at his best, massaging language to his purposes. Sure, Kandahar is a “little town” – it’s the second largest in Afghanistan. Oh, and I totally believe it is solely populated by “innocent women and children,” and that our military is not capable of surgical precision to minimize civilian casualties. Give me a break!
Clinton also claims he nearly got bin Laden “once,” but we know that there were several opportunities to get him over the years:
1996: Sudan offered to turn Osama bin Laden over to Clinton Administration, but was rebuffed
1998: Clinton’s unavailability and indecision wasted a 2 hour window to get bin Laden
1999: CIA asked for authorization to kill bin Laden after spotting him in Kandahar, but the Clinton Administration denied it (this could be the instance Clinton was talking about in the audio)
2000: Clinton Administration was offered a way to extradite bin Laden
You can be sure this newly resurfaced audio is something the Clintons do NOT want you to hear. Just think of how they bent over backwards to stop ABC from ever re-airing or making the TV movie “The Path to 9-11″ available after it was first broadcast simply because it had scenes suggesting the Clinton Administration passed on opportunities to get Osama bin Laden – which it did! The Citizens United film “Blocking the Path to 9-11” details how the Clinton machine buried “The Path to 9-11.”
Well, they can’t bury this audio, and I’m sure it’s no coincidence that it was foreign media that broadcast it. Watch the Sky News segment with audio below:
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